Sunday, January 26, 2014

There has to be some kind of chemical there. It is so interesting that once you start exercising regularly your body just wants more and more. It is that moment when you’re feeling tired; your muscles are starting to get numb. It starts like ants coming up from your ankle to your calf and staying there, like they found their house and they are not going anywhere. You’re sweating like hell, your breathing through your nose and mouth at the same time. You breathe; inhale and your jersey shrinks perfectly synchronized with your chest. Your jersey tells your chest, with a voice of a person with asthma in its’ mid thirties that needs to take a shot of the inhaler, “I feel you.” Your chest exhales and your entire body mimic the move too. Have you ever being under water for more than you think you can hold and then felt like you really, really have to go out? You are imagining your face getting blue and red and then blue again before getting out the water to get some 0² again. You are imagining your eyeballs about to come off. Probably a little too much, but you get my point. You breathe so hard, that you end up swallowing one of your sweat drops. The salty flavor, success. When you are doing good, feeling good, you notice a change, you feel the best. There is a split second in between getting in better shape and staying the same. That split second is when you say, "It’s enough for today, I don't think I can run/lift much longer, my body is not responding" versus "I have to get better, it's worth it, push, push! Push!" I have noticed this, the chemical your body releases when you want change is called; “POTSTONOD,” I read it somewhere.


  1. Great post! I totally can relate to this; I have this feeling of whether or not to keep pushing or whether or not to call it quits every single day in the gym. It is totally worth it to keep going, though!

  2. I like the way you write, Isai. You seem to be improving, comparing your previous posts. I like how detailed you make those workout feelings and how you describe things that usually run through a person's mind when they are working out. Your details help connect the reader to their personal experience with exercising. Good job!

  3. I'm not one for excercise, but this “POTSTONOD” sounds intriguing!

  4. Love it! I love the name of the "chemical." I like how you're using some of the things you learned in class!

  5. Love this feeling! There's nothing better than working out frustrations through working out.

  6. Great post, Isai! Working out can be such a release. Nice descriptions!

  7. I love it! It is so true. The hard part is getting started.

  8. This post made me just want to keep reading! Nice post! As well as many people who have commented on this, I love this feeling as well!
